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What is the difference between micro study abroad and study tour?What's the difference?? 4633

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Rieter University,The first batch of overseas study institutions certified by the Ministry of Education,Accredited by the world's top ICEF Education Exhibiting Organization (Screened Agency),Member of the National Overseas Study Agency Service Alliance (COSSA),Member of Beijing Overseas Study Service Industry Association (BOSSA),China Education Association for International Exchange self-funded study abroad intermediary service branch director unit,More than 10 years of experience in overseas study and immigration services,We have helped thousands of students achieve their dreams of studying abroad and finding jobs。
If you have any questions about studying abroad and working abroad, please call us 022-2328-9071/9075

Real Australian, New Zealand local school transfer short-term study abroad, absolute immersion Western education

Different from the common "study tour" summer camps on the market, there is often a high proportion of Chinese students and the quality of activities is uneven。The quality of Australia New Zealand micro study program is guaranteed by the education quality of public and private schools in Australia and New Zealand. The school only accepts a limited number of international students in one class, and the absolute immersion Western education is richer and more interesting。

Children enter authentic Australian and New Zealand primary or secondary schools for 4-6 weeks, 24/7 English immersion, authentic experience of the local curriculum, including math, science, art, sports, music and language and more。With local students at the same time class, school together, participate in after-school interest classes and camping and other extracurricular activities, truly achieve a full range of foreign education experience。Just think, 2-4 weeks of local learning (7 hours a day * 20 days = 140 hours) is equivalent to one and a half years of English learning in China (2 hours in 2 English classes per week).。In Australia and New Zealand, the school environment is relaxed, the teachers are patient and encouraging, which can improve the children's self-confidence, completely break through the dilemma of "dumb English", and rapidly improve the English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability。Children at school is not only to learn, more is to stimulate children's interest in learning, exercise children's physique。The school has swimming, skating, tennis, soccer and other courses to choose from, and high-level coaches will benefit children for life。


Micro-study abroad time and Chinese holiday time to achieve seamless connection, to achieve cost-effective study abroad and immigration investigation, for children's future study and development planning and preparation

The semester Settings in Australia and New Zealand coincide with the winter and summer vacations in China, so you can take advantage of the winter and summer vacations in China to study in Australia for a short time without delaying your children's study in China。At the same time, I personally feel whether the foreign education mode is suitable for my child's personality characteristics, and make plans and preparations for my child's future study and development。

At present, it is a common phenomenon that many Chinese parents do not understand the foreign education system and concepts, and it is blind to send their children abroad。As a result, some parents spend a lot of money to send their children abroad to study, or attend schools where Chinese children are clustered and speak Chinese together all day long, without any improvement in their studies or English。Either parents do not fully consult their children, nor do they understand their children's strengths and preferences, resulting in children who do not adapt to and do not like to go abroad。The Australia and New Zealand study abroad program opens a window for parents and children to understand the Western education system. Through this window, parents have the opportunity to learn and understand different Western education concepts for themselves, while children experience first-hand the differences of studying in a foreign school, allowing them to feel for themselves what attracts them to Western education?At the same time, you realize what knowledge, skills or social skills need to be improved?How big is the English level gap?How to return home to make up for the purpose?The education system in Australia and New Zealand is the British system, and the education concept and curriculum are similar to those in other European, American and British countries。And Australia's school and college entrance examination results are recognized in other Western countries。Even if some parents plan their children to go to Europe, the United Kingdom and other countries to study in the future, to Australia and New Zealand micro study is absolutely less effort, coupled with the weakness of the Australian dollar and New Zealand in recent years, the local consumption is very affordable, can be called cost-effective short-term study abroad immigration study。
